Sheltons Group Legal – an Australian law firm based in London

Understanding the Proposed Changes to Australia’s Foreign Investment Framework

Earlier this year, Australia’s Treasurer, Dr Jim Chalmers, announced significant changes to Australia’s foreign investment framework with an aim to enhance national security and economic resilience.

Foreign businesses and investors planning to invest or establish commercial operations within Australia may require prior approval from the Australian Treasury. The Australian Treasury is advised by the Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB), which examines and assesses investment proposals. As a foreign business or investor, depending on the nature of the business or investment, you may be required to submit your business or investment proposal to FIRB for assessment.

There are currently no proposed legislative changes, rather the changes will be implemented via streamlining Treasury processes, amending internal policies, and increasing resources.

We outline below the key points from Treasurer Jim Chalmers’ announcement. The Australian Government’s proposal intends to implement the following changes:

  • Increasing the Treasury’s capacity to efficiently assess complicated or high-risk proposals by dedicating more resources to the teams which assess such proposals;
  • Increasing scrutiny on sectors where there are supply chain resilience concerns, where there is a need to protect sensitive data, or where there may be a concentration of ownership concerns;
  • Streamlining processes to provide faster approvals for known investors who are investing in non-sensitive sectors and who have a good compliance record;
  • Ensuring foreign investors pay the correct amount of tax by continuing to update guidance about tax arrangements that will attract greater scrutiny (such as those which are overly complex); and,
  • Enhancing compliance and monitoring to enforce conditions on foreign investments by increasing resources to compliance teams.

The good news from this announcement is that Treasury is looking to increase efficiency and reduce assessment times for investors engaging in low-risk investments.

What does this mean for your business?

The proposed changes may result in increased regulatory compliance for foreign businesses that plan to invest or operate in Australia. If your business is planning to invest or establish commercial operations within Australia, it is important that you understand Australia’s regulatory framework prior to investing.

For further details, you can refer to the full announcements and policy documents on the Treasury’s official website here:


If you’re looking to invest or establish operations in Australia, then feel free to let our London-based Australian qualified lawyers know and we can discuss how we can assist.

Courtney Gleeson
Sheltons Group Legal (London and Sydney)

Sheltons Group Legal – legal services from Europe

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Sheltons Group Legal – an Australian law firm based in London

The Australian Fair Work Commission has determined that Australia-wide increases are to apply to the national minimum wage as well as to Modern Award minimum wages. The increases took effect from 1 July 2024.

Each year, the Fair Work Commission (‘FWC’) makes an order that covers subjects including the national minimum wage after considering factors relevant to the economy, employers, and employees.

Accordingly, the FWC’s Annual Wage Review 2023-24 announced that the national minimum wage and Modern Award minimum wages would be increased by 3.75%.

As a result, the national minimum wage has increased from AUD 882.80 to AUD 915.90 per week for full time employees (i.e. employees who work an average of 38 hours each week) – meaning the hourly minimum wage is now AUD 24.10. The Modern Award minimum wage increase means that pay rates above AUD 915.90 per week have increased by 3.75% per week.

Modern Awards are industry or occupation specific and apply to those performing work covered by the Award. As such, it is important to be aware that different minimum wage rates apply across different Modern Awards.

Approximately 2.6 million employees across Australia are expected to receive the minimum wage increases. It is therefore essential that all employers take note of the increases to ensure each employee is being paid at or above the new minimum rates. Annualised salaries must be sufficient to absorb all statutory entitlements.

If you would like further information about the Australian wage increases, or assistance in determining which Modern Award applies to your employees – please contact us.

Courtney Gleeson
Sheltons Group Legal (London and Sydney)

Sheltons Group Legal – legal services from Europe

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