International Taxation Principles (Blue) Course

Blue Course
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International Taxation Principles (Blue) Course

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When signing up for the selected event, you hereby acknowledge acceptance of the Sheltons-SITTI cancellation policy.

Cancellations must be received in writing at least 21 days before the date of the event. Cancellations made within 21 days will be subject to a 50% administration fee except that regretfully cancellations made within 7 days of the date of the event will not give rise to a refund, even if wishing to transfer to another date or course. You will however receive a copy of the documentation. You may always send another delegate in your place. We reserve the right to cancel the event if registrations are insufficient, or to alter dates, and accept no responsibility for any loss arising from such cancellation. We can take no responsibility in the event of an advertised speaker at a conference not being able to be present.

For further information please call +44 203 897 4888 or email

The Blue Course is an introduction to international tax, including forms of doing business, tax treaties, double tax relief, repatriation of profits, withholding tax, holding companies, controlled foreign corporations, thin capitalisation, transfer pricing and tax planning. The emphasis is on practical international tax and includes specific practical examples and real life case studies.


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