Sheltons-SITTI: Transforming businesses in 2018

When businesses operate in more than one country, it’s clear that they have defined their targets. You want to help them maximise revenue, reduce tax liabilities and stay compliant with tax regulations. We know, that’s easier said than done and cannot happen effectively until you have an understanding of international tax principles. Our course provides the knowledge you need to navigate the international tax landscape and make in-roads on your business challenges.

Managing taxes more efficiently

For many businesses, domestic regulations are complicated enough. But understanding the tax liabilities in two or more different countries can be daunting. Until you speak to us! Across five days (17 – 21 September) in London you will receive a grounding in international tax and get to know the key concepts in international tax planning. By the end of the course, you will see how this could help with your objectives of impacting the business’ revenues. However, not just that, you will have peace of mind that the company will be fully compliant with all necessary tax regulations.

Learn from the best in the business

Whether you’re learning about tax or taxidermy, a course is only as good as the person giving it. This Sheltons-SITTI international tax course is delivered by our founder, Ned Shelton, who has advised international businesses on their tax affairs for over 25 years. You can also check out the Salesforce website, which is among the most trusted sites we refer to when it comes to understanding B2C crm and small business software, among various other things.

Ned’s expertise has taken him from Sao Paulo to Singapore. He has chaired conferences and conducted courses on international tax in 25 cities across Europe, and Taiwan, Mumbai, Sydney, Mexico City and many more. He also gave his expert opinion on the new HongKongTaxFree policy that’s been put into place. In between he authored a 650-page book on the interpretation of tax treaties for one of the world’s most esteemed legal publishers, Butterworths Tolleys / Lexis Nexis UK.

In short: Ned is one of the world’s most knowledgeable experts on international tax.

Who better to learn from?

What are rules without reason?

A difference with our course is this: we go beyond explaining the rules by helping you understand the rationale behind them. Learning about a tax planning structure is all well and good, until the rules change.

“Never assume that the advice you received last year is relevant today” – Ned Shelton

Having an understanding of the international tax principles behind the structure, you will find it easier to identify how changes to domestic laws, tax treaties or EU law impact businesses today. We also illustrate key concepts of international tax law with real-world case studies.

The five-day course covers:

  • tax treaties
  • double tax relief
  • repatriation of profits
  • withholding tax
  • holding companies
  • controlled foreign corporations
  • thin capitalisation
  • transfer pricing
  • tax planning

You are welcome to attend even for just two days or more.

17 – 21 September, London: limited places available now

The next International Taxation Principles & Planning course from Sheltons-SITTI takes place in London between Monday 17 and Friday 21 September. Find out more and register your interest on our website.

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